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- Moulding, 2014, 14" x 18", oil on canvas Moulding, 2014, 14" x 18", oil on canvas
- Decaying Church Wall 2, 2014, 14" x 18", oil on canvas Decaying Church Wall 2, 2014, 14" x 18", oil on canvas
- Debris 1, 2014, 16" x 20", oil on canvas Debris 1, 2014, 16" x 20", oil on canvas
- Debris 2, 2014, 16" x 20", oil on canvas Debris 2, 2014, 16" x 20", oil on canvas
- Debris 3, 2014, 16" x 20", oil on canvas Debris 3, 2014, 16" x 20", oil on canvas
- City, 2012, 6" x 6", oil on wood City, 2012, 6" x 6", oil on wood
- Shelter, 2013, 6" x 6", oil on wood Shelter, 2013, 6" x 6", oil on wood
- Three Bishops, 2013, 6" x 6", oil on wood Three Bishops, 2013, 6" x 6", oil on wood
- Pink Tank, 2013, 21" x 35", oil on canvas Pink Tank, 2013, 21" x 35", oil on canvas
- The Architect, 2011, 36" x 48", oil on canvas The Architect, 2011, 36" x 48", oil on canvas
- Allegory, 2011, 36" x 48", oil on canvas Allegory, 2011, 36" x 48", oil on canvas
- Entropy on a Sidewalk, 2008, 12" x 16", oil on panel Entropy on a Sidewalk, 2008, 12" x 16", oil on panel
- The Garden of Eden, 2010, 14" x 18", oil on panel The Garden of Eden, 2010, 14" x 18", oil on panel
- Woman with Still Life, 2010, 14" x 18", oil on panel Woman with Still Life, 2010, 14" x 18", oil on panel
- Adam and Eve, 2010, 14" x 18", oil on panel Adam and Eve, 2010, 14" x 18", oil on panel
- Pope in Heels, 2010, 14" x 18", oil on panel Pope in Heels, 2010, 14" x 18", oil on panel
- The Burning Bushes, 2010, 16" x 20", oil on panel The Burning Bushes, 2010, 16" x 20", oil on panel
- Studio from Above, 2009, 36" x 36", oil on canvas Studio from Above, 2009, 36" x 36", oil on canvas
- Industry, 2008, 24" x 28", oil on panel Industry, 2008, 24" x 28", oil on panel
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